What's New In The 3D Printer World

High Resolution Printing in Shorter Time

    Here at C3D we haveve been experimenting with how we can get the best quality prints in the least amount of print time. One idea that has been explored before is to combine infill for a certain number of layers. While similar features had been implemented in most slicers (Cura, Slic3r, Simplify3D) here is our take on it.


Minimum requirements1. Cura 3.2.1 or later2. Internet connection


1. Download the BoostedGcode.py python script from:https://goo.gl/6CGQQR2. Copy the file to Cura’s PostProcessingPlugin Script directory.    How to find the folder:    a) Mac: In the Menu click Help->Show configuration folder    b) Windows: In the Menu click Help->Show configuration folder3. Restart Cura

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How to Install a Post Processing Scripts in Cura 3.2.1

A PostProcessingPlugin Script is an easy way to modify gcode before it gets written onto disk.
A Python script is executed and handed over the full gcode.
The script is expected to return a gcode as a list of lines.
Here is how you do it.

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Recent Comments
Csaba Garay
Unfortunately Cura 3.2.1 indeed has amnesia about post processing script settings and currently there's no way to save them at all... Read More
Wednesday, 18 April 2018 02:49
Csaba Garay
My understanding was that this feature (saving state of post processing plugins) is missing from 3.2.1. Great to hear it is suppos... Read More
Wednesday, 18 April 2018 15:42
38530 Hits

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