About Us

    First off, on behalf of the moderators and team members here at Customize 3D we would like to extend to you a very warm welcome. I hope you enjoy what the forum has to offer and that you are an active member of what will hopefully become a vibrant, informative, entertaining and supporting aspect of our community. We would like to invite you to check out the tech articles sections and see the information we have to offer and if you have an article you would have written we will gladly add it just keep in mind these articles where written by the members to help and while we host them we are not ultimately responsible for damages so fallow them at your own risk.

    Now a little about me my name is Scott W. I’m the founder of customize-3d. I decided to start Customize 3D Forum to bring together people who have an interest in 3D printing and its related items in hopes to be able to help make up for the lack of documentation within the subject. This forum was started as a way for likeminded people to have all of their 3d printer items all in one place. After seeing countless repeat questions on Facebook and not having an easy way to track where the needed information is at We decided to move things to a forum so we can offer better support for the 3d community. The only thing we ask is that you come in and introduce yourself and let us know what you have going on.

    Why not just use Facebook or another social media platform? A forum offers an easy search facility for information and previous discussions and provides much better categorization of topics and posts. It also provides private messaging functions, with links to videos, how-to and a great knowledge base within the members. If you have how-to you would like added to the main site please feel free to upload it here and send and me a message about it. Within this forum you will be able to update people on your latest projects, perhaps reaching a far greater audience than you currently do.

    This is a community forum and while we are generally happy to see what you are working on, we are absolutely not interested in acting as a platform to promote straightforward commercial stuff before you advertise any business or business related item, clear it with a Moderator. We will consider advertising events from commercial product if they offer significant discounts to the members of this forum. 

    Communication and interaction are fundamental to the success of any community. So come in introduce yourself and join in the conversation and please let us know if you see anything in need of tweaking, we are still working on things constantly. 


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