What's New In The 3D Printer World

11 minutes reading time (2127 words)

Chitu G code Explained

        Once again Scott Here to see if I can’t help you understand the something else I have seen questions about in the 3D printing community.  This Time around I’ll go over the G-code used By Chitu on their F mini control board and other custom made control boards used by Tronxy and several other companies now. This control board comes on the Tronxy X5SA, X5ST, X5S-E2, XY-3 and XY-2 to name a few.
PLEASE NOTE CHANGING THESE SETTING WILL change your printers behavior. Therefore I do not recommend changing settings yourself without understanding what each setting your adjusting does.

                So To start with G code files can not be written in word you are better off writing then in notepad because it does not leave artifacts in the background. Therefore any time you want to update the firmware you need to either edit the g code you have or start a new notepad document for it.

                I am going to do my best to explain each of the G codes in every day terms If I can think of how. Then if you want you can copy each line into a notepad document and edit and save it. Once saved to the SD card put the SD card into the control board and run that G code file as if it was a print and done. Make sure ever g code file you make has the save g code at the end.

                Please not that this is the first G code I have seen that is like this “ M8012 I200” in this case the M8012 is the code then “ I”  is the actual settings your adjusting  so in the above example it is 200.  The this example M8012 is the code for X Y max movement speed then the 200 is the mms. So if you wanted to slow down the max speed you could change it to 120 or 300 to speed it up depending on your printer.


Resume on power Lose

                M8000 I1  ; used if you have the resume on power lose module installed

                M8000 I0 ;   used if you do not have the resume on power lose module installed

Stepper Motor Direction

    X stepper motor

M8002 I-1 ;  current direction

M8002 I1 ;  Reverse direction

    Y stepper motor

M8003 I-1 ;  current direction

M8003 I1 ;  Reverse direction

    Z stepper motor

M8004 I-1 ;  current direction

M8004 I1 ;  Reverse direction

    E stepper motor

M8005 I-1 ;  current direction

M8005 I1 ;  Reverse direction

Movement configuration

    X axis Movement

M8005 X0 ; print head moves in X axis

M8005 X1 ; Bed moves in X axis

    Y axis Movement

M8005 Y0 ; print head moves in X axis

M8005 Y1 ; Bed moves in X axis

    Z axis Movement

M8005 Z0 ; print head moves in X axis

M8005 Z1 ; Bed moves in X axis

Speed settings:

speed is in mm/s; acceleration is in mm/ s^2 start speed. When the moving speed exceeds this speed, it takes this speed as the starting speed and begins to accelerate.Otherwise, it is in constant motion at the moving speed

            M8006 I120


            M8007 I10 ; Lower this is your getting ringing


Acceleration, the larger the value is, the greater the actual average moving speed is.

            M8008 I1000

Axis Steps Per Millimeter

example, 1.8 degree stepper motor, pulley with 20 teeth, tooth pitch is 2.032mm, 1/16 microstepping are (20*2.032)/((360/1.8)*16)

            Set X and Y the same

M8009 S0.0125 ; adjust the 0.0125  to correct both at once

    independent X,Y stepper motor parameters

M8009 X0.0127 Y0.0127

    Z axis

    value of each step of Z. The calculation formula: lead /((360/1.8)*16),

M8010 S0.0025

    Extruder Calibration

    value of each step of E. This value is equal to the 1/3200 circumference of extruder gear. In addition

M8011 S0.010799

Max Movement / print speed

XY movement mm/s

M8012 I200

Z movement mm/s

M8013 I30

extruder mm/s

M8014 I120

Home Speed settings

    first home speed


M8015 I8

X-axis and Y-axis

M8015 S30

    second home speed

 Z-axis returns

M8016 I4

X-axis and Y-axis

M8016 S5

Pre-extrusion before print

    Pre- extruded

M8017 I10

    max speed of pre-extrusion(mm/s)

     Feeding by non-reduction gear, max speed always above 100.

M8018 I20

E max speed

Not sure why this one is here because M8014 does the same thing

            M8019 I50



M8020 S1.5 ; will set the retract to 1.5mm no matter what the slicer says
M8020 S0 ; Follows slicer retract settings


M8033 S8 ;  will set retract speed to 8mms

M8033 S0 ; Follows slicer retract speed settings

Filament Diameter

            M8021 S1.75

Max hotend temperature

            M8022 I260

Min Hotend Temperature for extruder to turn on

            M8022 T170

Maximum temperature of hot bed

            M8023 I120

Temperature error detection

            M8023 T0 ; Enable temperature error detection

            M8023 T1 ; Forbidding temperature error detection 

Maximum distance of X, Y, Z,

exceeding the distance will cause the buzzer to buzz


M8024 I330


M8025 I330


M8026 I439

number of extrusion head Or use of second E stepper driver If the second driver chip set is there. (tronxy E2 versions only)  
             Set the number of extrusion headat least 1, at most 3 at present

             M8027 I1

            Whether it is 3 in 1 out nozzle or 2 in 1 out nozzle, these two nozzles share a temperature sensor, share a heating rod
            0: not 3/2 in 1 out nozzle       1: 3/2 in 1 out nozzle

            M8027 S0 

        The second extrusion head will be used as Z. For some large equipment, two Z axes will be needed. Therefore E2 can be used as Z axis. 
            This order will force the number of extrusion heads to be 1      0: double Z double limit mode, the second limit connect to X+,
            1£ºdouble Z single limit mode, only connect to one limit switch . if to enable this function, place a tick in front of the command.

            M8027 Z0
        the second extrusion head will be used as Y
            if to enable this function, place a tick in front of the command.

            M8027 Y0

       The second extrusion head is used as the first one, because some machines use two motors to feed the wire
            If you need to enable this feature, place a tick in front of the command

            M8027 E0

Heated Bed

            M8027 T1 ; enable hot bed

            M8027 T1 ; disable hot bed

Advanced Settings

    Extra pri after retract

M8028 S0.00 ; Add to the 0.00 to add extra length on the prime length after retract.

    Home location

            M8029 I0 ; front left

M8029 I1 ; Unilateral maximum point limit

M8029 I2 ; Bilateral limit

            M8029 I3 ; Limit in the left rear of the machine

types for limit switch

            M8029 T0 , limit switch normally open, when not triggered, the signal level is open

            M8029 T1:XYZ limit switch normally closed, when not triggered, the signal level is closed

Filament out Detection

Uses same plus as auto bed level sensor

            M8029 D0 ; ban fault detection

            M8029 D1 ; enabled fault detection

Limit switch type for filament out detection

            M8029 P1 ; same with XYZ limit type

            M8029 P-1 ;  opposite to XYZ limit type

part cooling Fan

M8030 I0 ; fan is controlled by slicing software
M8030 Ixxx ; setting a temperature that is larger than 0 fan controlled by firmware

Coldend Fan

            M8030 I0 ; full speed from powering on control board

            M8030 I50 T-1 ; allows you to set what speed and temp the coldend fan comes on at

SD card displayed on screen

            M8034 I1 ; Yes

            M8034 I0 ; No

Auto level point setup

The maximum is 5 as regard to leveling setting, X, Y are floating number, if X, Y are small than 1, then it indicates the corresponding proportion of journey. Otherwise, it indicates the absolute coordinates of X and Y, the unit is mm.

            M8035  I3 ; the number of instruction is same with that of point

            M8036  X-20 Y0 ;  start point

            M8036  X50 Y50 ; second point

            M8036  X250 Y250 , Third point

            M8036 X£» ; ends auto level

Machine type

            M8080 I0 ; Cartesian

            M8080 I2 ; Corexy

Thermistor type

            M8081 I0 ; Ideal NTC 100K 1% 3950 B

            M8081 I2 ; corresponding to the type 2 sensor of marlin

Auto leveling setting

            M8083 I0 ; ban auto leveling

            M8083 I1;  enable auto leveling (leveling switch connect Z)


I skipped this because Tronxy has it onscreen. Height difference of Z leveling limit = Z zero position-Z position for leveling limit.    0: forbid deviation, the route of Z is determined by¡°set Z as zero¡±,the printed

G code doesn’t need the automatic high leveling order. It's recommended to use this mode.   Non 0:Z is automatically determined when the leveling limit is triggered. Under this mode,

G29 automatic leveling order must be after the return to zero of G28 and before begin print. If the extrusion head is near to main board during limitation, the value is positive.

            M8084 Z4

Boot Screen

The minimum is 100ms,the maximum is 6000ms

            M8085 I500

standby mode to shutdown

 This function can only be used for the equipment installed with the power module.  The unit is second(s). When the value is 0, it indicates forbidding the function of shutdown after standby.

            M8085 P0

Max Fan speed

Max 256 with more noise, which can be adjusted through this parameter

            M8489 I256

Disable steppers  and turn off all heating after printing

            M8489 P0 ; Turn off all

            M8489 P1 ; G Code Controlled        

I have not used these one will more than likely be hotend the other the bed

            M301 P22.2 I1.08 D114 ; enables PID

            M303 E0 S150 C5; enables PID

Laser Engraver

            M8520 I0 ; do not support the laser engraving

            M8520 I1 ; support laser engraving, there are more buttons inside to set speed

Wifi Setup

    Replace the  word networkname with your network's name leaving the quotation marks, Replace the word Password with your networks     password leaving quotation marks.

           M9005 '"Networkname","Password"'




below is an example of a Gcode I personally used to do basic update to the X5SA. 

;Speed settings: speed is in mm/s; acceleration is in mm/ s^2 
;start speed.When the moving speed exceeds this speed, it takes this speed as the starting speed and begins to accelerate.
;Otherwise, it is in constant motion at the moving speed c3d
M8006 I120
; ==================================
;maximum speed while turning a corner. There there will be a large number of reciprocating motion while filling.
;The noise is loud while this value is large. When the value is small, the speed is slow c3d
M8007 I10
; ==================================
;acceleration, the larger the value is, the greater the actual average moving speed is.
;However, the noise is loud. The actual speed is small when the value is small c3d
M8008 I3000
; ==================================
;maximum speed of various parameters. In order to ensure the stabilization of the machine, 
;please make settings according to the measured results
;maximum speed of XY movement mm/s
M8012 I200
; ==================================
;maximum speed of Z movement mm/s
M8013 I30
; ==================================
;maximum speed of the extruder mm/s
M8014 I120
; ==================================
;Z-axis home speed.When using makerware software,the home speed will be ignored while slicing,
;because gcode specified the home speed
;first home speed when Z-axis returns to zero, higher
M8015 I8
; ==================================
;first home speed when X-axis and Y-axis returns to zero, higher
M8015 S30
; ==================================
;second home speed when Z-axis returns to zero, slower
M8016 I4
; ==================================
;second home speed when X-axis and Y-axis returns to zero, slower
M8016 S5
; ==================================
;Thermal Protection.
; Tronxy Has this turned off
;Forbidding temperature error detection. The default temperature error detection will pop up the warning when the temperature 
;sensor is not well plugged in or the heating power is too small. Strongly suggest not forbidding this function
;1: Forbidding temperature error detection                  0: Enable temperature error detection
M8023 T0
; ==================================
;MAX TRAVEL (adjusted because I have bed lowering installed).
;maximum distance of Z
M8026 I439
; ==================================
;the duration of the boot screen,the minimum is 100ms,the maximum is 6000ms c3d
M8085 I500
; ==================================
;¡¾Save command¡¿ This parameter must not be less, otherwise all parameters can not be saved to the device
;save the configuration


The Shop Is Back
Tronxy X5S to X5SA Upgrade kit installation

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Comments 99

Guest - Fernando on Friday, 27 April 2018 13:28

Hi. thank you very much for this post. I have a 3D printer with a chitu 3.6 board. But with heated bed is desable. Can I save a file with just this line and send it to the 3d printer?

M8027 T1 ;1 enable hot bed ,0 disable hot bed

Will this only change this setting without changing other settings? or I'll have to send a complete file. Ps. I do not have the current printer settings.

Hi. thank you very much for this post. I have a 3D printer with a chitu 3.6 board. But with heated bed is desable. Can I save a file with just this line and send it to the 3d printer? M8027 T1 ;1 enable hot bed ,0 disable hot bed Will this only change this setting without changing other settings? or I'll have to send a complete file. Ps. I do not have the current printer settings.
Scott Worthington on Friday, 27 April 2018 14:16

What you need to do to turn on heated bed is open notepad then type

m8027 t1

Then save file to SD card. Then go to file right click rename a as say heated bed.gcode. make sure to save as ".gcode" . The run that file as if you where going to print it and done

What you need to do to turn on heated bed is open notepad then type m8027 t1 M8500 Then save file to SD card. Then go to file right click rename a as say heated bed.gcode. make sure to save as ".gcode" . The run that file as if you where going to print it and done
John Shummy on Friday, 27 April 2018 20:22

So unlike marlin you can upload seperate commands instead of the whole file?

So unlike marlin you can upload seperate commands instead of the whole file?
Scott Worthington on Friday, 27 April 2018 20:23

Yes your uploading g code to change setting not complete firmware

Yes your uploading g code to change setting not complete firmware
John Shummy on Friday, 27 April 2018 20:31

is there any way we can get the stock parameter file from the x5sa? I would like to view the stock settings. Via the Chitu Client software I can get the machine parameter setting for the F mini board. Are the speed setting and stuff in that file optimized for the X5SA?

is there any way we can get the stock parameter file from the x5sa? I would like to view the stock settings. Via the Chitu Client software I can get the machine parameter setting for the F mini board. Are the speed setting and stuff in that file optimized for the X5SA?
Scott Worthington on Friday, 27 April 2018 20:46

Sure but it's not in any common language the list above is a what i worked out from chitu and the file tronxy sent me. I have posted the factory settings and with the above you can figure it out I guess but all the above is factory... I guess I can go through and mark the non factory item but all the acceleration numbers are the factory numbers only ones that you can't tell on are the on off ones.

here are the factory settings...

; ¶Ïµç±£´æÖ§³ÖÓë·ñ,ÉèÖÃÍêºóÖØÆô²ÅÉúЧ
; 0: ±íʾ²»Ö§³Ö 1: ±íʾ֧³Ö
M8000 I1
; ´òÓ¡Íê³É¹Ø»úÖ§³ÖÓë·ñ,ÉèÖÃÍêºóÖØÆô²ÅÉúЧ
; 0: ±íʾ²»Ö§³Ö 1: ±íʾ֧³Ö
M8001 I1
; ==================================
; ÏÂÃæÊDz½½øµç»ú·½Ïò¿ØÖÆ
; I1ÓëI-1µÄ·½Ïò¸ÕºÃÏà·´£¬ËùÒÔ£¬Èç¹ûµç»ú·½Ïò²»¶Ô£¬ÒªÃ´¸Ä½ÓÏߣ¬ÒªÃ´¸ÄÕâ¸ö·½Ïò²ÎÊý
; X²½½øµç»ú·½Ïò£¬I1»òI-1
M8002 I-1
; ==================================
; Y²½½øµç»ú·½Ïò
M8003 I-1
; ==================================
; Z²½½øµç»ú·½Ïò
M8004 I1
; ==================================
; E²½½øµç»ú·½Ïò
M8005 I1
; ==================================
; XYZÖá¼·³öÍ·/ƽ̨Òƶ¯ÅäÖÃ,½ö½ö»áÓ°ÏìÊÖ¶¯½çÃæ°´Å¥µÄʵ¼ÊÔ˶¯·½Ïò
; 0: XÖá·½Ïò ¼·³öÍ·Ô˶¯ 1: XÖá·½Ïò ƽ̨Ô˶¯
; Ä¿Ç°ÊÐÃæÉϵĻúÆ÷£¬´ó²¿·Ö¶¼ÊÇXÖá¼·³öÍ·Ô˶¯
M8005 X0
; ==================================
; 0:YÖá·½Ïò ¼·³öÍ·Ô˶¯
; 1:YÖá·½Ïò ƽ̨Ô˶¯
; Ä¿Ç°I3µÄ½á¹¹YÖáÊÇƽ̨Ô˶¯£¬delta,ultimakerºÍmakerbotµÄYÖáÊǼ·³öÍ·Ô˶¯
M8005 Y0
; ==================================
; 0:ZÖá·½Ïò ¼·³öÍ·Ô˶¯
; 1:ZÖá·½Ïò ƽ̨Ô˶¯
; Ä¿Ç°I3½á¹¹ºÍdelta½á¹¹ZÖáÊǼ·³öÍ·Òƶ¯£¬ultimakerºÍmakerbot½á¹¹ZÖáÊÇƽ̨Òƶ¯
M8005 Z1
; ==================================
; ËÙ¶ÈÏà¹ØÉèÖã¬ËÙ¶ÈÒÔmm/sΪµ¥Î»£¬¼ÓËÙ¶ÈÒÔmm/s^2Ϊµ¥Î»
; ×î´óµÄÆð²½Ëٶȣ¬µ±Ô˶¯ËÙ¶ÈÆð¹ý´ËËٶȵÄʱºò£¬»áÒÔ´ËËÙ¶È×÷ΪÆð²½£¬´ËËÙ¶ÈÖ÷ÒªÊÇ·Àֹʧ²½£¬
; ´ËÖµ¹ýС£¬»áÔÚ´òÔ²µÄʱºòÔì³É¹ì½Ç͹Æð
M8006 I80
; ==================================
; ×î´óµÄ¹ìÍäËÙ¶ÈÖµ(¶ÔÓ¦¿ªÔ´¹Ì¼þÖеÄjerkËÙ¶È)£¬Èç¹ûÔ˶¯µÄʵ¼Ê¹ìÍäËٶȴóÓÚ´ËÖµ£¬
; »áÇ¿ÖÆÁîÔ˶¯¼õËÙ¡£ÔÚ´òÌî³äʱ£¬»áÓдóÁ¿Íù¸´Ô˶¯£¬´ËÖµ´ó£¬ÔëÒô´ó£¬ÈÝÒ׶ª²½¡£
; ´ËֵС£¬ËÙ¶ÈÂý£¬´òÓ¡ËٶȸߵÄʱºò£¬´òÓ¡ÖÊÁ¿»áÏà¶Ô½Ï²î
M8007 I25
; ==================================
; ¼ÓËÙ¶È,¸ÃÖµÔ½´ó£¬Êµ¼ÊÔËÐеÄƽ¾ùËÙ¶ÈÔ½´ó£¬µ«ÊÇÔëÒôÒ²´ó£¬
; ¸ÃֵС£¬Êµ¼ÊµÄËÙ¶ÈÒ²»áԽС
M8008 I1000
; ==================================
M8009 S0.0125
; ==================================
;M8009 X0.0127 Y0.0127
; ==================================
; Zÿһ²½µÄmmÖµ,¼ÆË㹫ʽ:µ¼³Ì/((360/1.8)*16),
; µ¼³ÌΪÂݸËתһȦƽ̨ÉÏÉýµÄ¸ß¶È
M8010 S0.0025
; ==================================
; Eÿһ²½µÄmmÖµ,Õâ¸öÖµµÈÓÚ¼·³ö³ÝÂÖµÄÖܳ¤³ýÒÔ3200£¬
; Èç¹ûÓмõËÙ×°Öû¹Ðè³ýÒÔ¼õËٱȣ¬
; Èç¹ûÄã·¢ÏÖÉèÖóöË¿±È½ÏÏ¡»òÊǾ­³£¶Ï²ã£¬½¨Ò齫´ËÖµÉèÖõñÈÕæʵֵСһµã£¬³öË¿¸üºÃ
M8011 S0.010799
; ==================================
; ¸÷ÖÖ²ÎÊýµÄËÙ¶È×î´óÖµ£¬ÎªÁ˱£Ö¤»úÆ÷Äܹ»Îȶ¨£¬Çë¸ù¾Ýʵ²â½á¹û½øÐÐÉèÖÃ
; XYÔ˶¯µÄ×î´óËÙ¶Èmm/s
M8012 I200
; ==================================
; ZÔ˶¯µÄ×î´óËÙ¶Èmm/s
M8013 I30
; ==================================
; ¼·³ö»úµÄ×î´óËÙ¶Èmm/s
M8014 I120
; ==================================
; Z¹éÁãËÙ¶È,
; makerwareÇÐƬÈí¼þÇÐƬ£¬»áºöÂÔÕâ¸ö¹éÁãËٶȣ¬ÒòΪÆägcodeÖÐÓÐÖ¸¶¨¹éÁãËÙ¶È
; Z¹éÁãʱµÄµÚÒ»´Î¹éÁãËٶȣ¬ËٶȽϿì
M8015 I8
; ==================================
; XY¹éÁãʱµÄµÚÒ»´Î¹éÁãËٶȣ¬ËٶȽϿì
M8015 S30
; ==================================
; Z¹éÁãʱµÄµÚ¶þ´Î¹éÁãËٶȣ¬ËٶȽÏÂý
M8016 I4
; ==================================
; XY¹éÁãʱµÄµÚ¶þ´Î¹éÁãËٶȣ¬ËٶȽÏÂý
M8016 S5
; ==================================
; ´òÓ¡Ç°µÄÔ¤¼·³ö
; Ô¤¼·³ö³¤¶Èmm£¬
; µÚÒ»²ãÓëµ×°åÊÇ·ñÕ³ÀÎÖ±½ÓÓ°Ïì´òÓ¡ÖÊÁ¿£¬¶àÒ»µãÔ¤¼·³ö»áʹµ×°åÕ³µÃ¸üºÃ
M8017 I10
; ==================================
; ¼·³ö»úµÄ×î´óÔ¤¼·³öËÙ¶Èmm/s,·Ç¼õËÙ³ÝÂÖËÍÁÏ£¬×î´óËÙ¶Èͨ³£¶¼ÔÚ100ÒÔÉÏ
M8018 I20
; ==================================
; ÏÂÃæµÄÁ½¸ö²ÎÊýºÍÓëReplicator/MakerwareÈí¼þ¼æÈÝÃÜÇÐÏà¹Ø,Èç¹û²»´òËã¼æÈݸÃÀàÈí¼þ£¬¿ÉÒÔ²»ÓùÜ
; Ö§³ÖµÄ×î´óÍËË¿ËÙ¶È,µ¥Î»ÊÇmm/s£¬µ±Îª0ʱ£¬±íʾÓëE×î´óËÙ¶ÈÏàͬ¡£
; ĬÈÏMakerwareË«Í·ÇÐƬÍËË¿·Ç³£Âý£¬ÍËË¿Í£¶Ùʱ¼ä·Ç³£³¤
M8019 I50
; ==================================
; ÍËË¿³¤¶Èµ¥Î»mm£¬Èç¹û²»´òËã¼æÈݸÃÀàÈí¼þ£¬¿ÉÒÔ²»ÓùÜ
; »Ø³é¾àÀ룬»Ø³é¹ýС»á©˿£¬»Ø³é¹ý´ó£¬Í£¶Ùʱ¼ä¹ý³¤£¬Ò²ÈÝÒש˿£¬
; Çë¸ù¾ÝÄúµÄËÍÁÏÀàÐͼ°¼·³öÍ·ÀàÐͺÏÀíÉèÖã¬
M 8020 S1.5
; ==================================
; makerwareÈí¼þÇл»¼·³öͷʱµÄÍËË¿³¤¶È,
; makerwareÇÐƬָ¶¨ÍËË¿·Ç³£³¤£¬Ôٻؼ·Ê±ÈÝÒ׿¨Ë¿
; Èç¹ûΪÁ㣬×ñ´ÓÇÐƬÈí¼þÉèÖÃ
M8033 S8
; ==================================
; ÉèÖûúÆ÷ʹÓõÄĬÈϺIJÄÖ±¾¶,µ¥Î»ÊÇmm
; ºÄ²ÄÖ±¾¶
M8021 S1.75
; ==================================
; ¼·³öÍ·Ö§³ÖµÄ×î¸ßζȣ¬ÉèÖôËζÈΪÁË·ÀÖ¹Óû§Îó²Ù×÷¼·³öͷζÈÔì³É¼·³öÍ·Ëð»µ,
; ÈÈ×èÖ»Äܵ½260¶È£¬peek¹ÜÒ²´ó¸ÅÔÚ260¶È¿ªÊ¼Èí»¯
; ¼·³öÍ·×î¸ßζÈ
M8022 I245
; ==================================
; ºÄ²Ä½çÃ棬¼·³öºÄ²ÄËùÐèµÄ×îµÍζÈ
M8022 T170
; ==================================
; ÈÈ´²×î¸ßζÈ
; ÈÈ°å×î¸ßζȣ¬Î¶ȹý¸ßÈÝÒ×Ëð»µÈÈ°å
M8023 I120
; ==================================
; ½ûֹζȳö´í¼ì²â£¬Ç¿ÁÒ½¨Òé²»Òª½ûÖ¹´Ë¹¦ÄÜ,ĬÈϵÄζȳö´í¼ì²â»áÔÚζȴ«¸ÐÆ÷δ²åºÃ»òÊÇ
; ¼ÓÈȹ¦ÂʹýСµÄʱºòµ¯³ö¾¯¸æ 0: ʹÄÜζȼì²â
; 1:½ûÖ¹¼·³öÍ·ºÍÈÈ´²Î¶ȳö´í¼ì²â 2:½ö½ûÖ¹ÈÈ´²µÄζȳö´í¼ì²â
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Sure but it's not in any common language the list above is a what i worked out from chitu and the file tronxy sent me. I have posted the factory settings and with the above you can figure it out I guess but all the above is factory... I guess I can go through and mark the non factory item but all the acceleration numbers are the factory numbers only ones that you can't tell on are the on off ones. here are the factory settings... ; ; ¶Ïµç±£´æÖ§³ÖÓë·ñ,ÉèÖÃÍêºóÖØÆô²ÅÉúЧ ; 0: ±íʾ²»Ö§³Ö 1: ±íʾ֧³Ö M8000 I1 ; ; ´òÓ¡Íê³É¹Ø»úÖ§³ÖÓë·ñ,ÉèÖÃÍêºóÖØÆô²ÅÉúЧ ; 0: ±íʾ²»Ö§³Ö 1: ±íʾ֧³Ö M8001 I1 ; ================================== ; ÏÂÃæÊDz½½øµç»ú·½Ïò¿ØÖÆ ; I1ÓëI-1µÄ·½Ïò¸ÕºÃÏà·´£¬ËùÒÔ£¬Èç¹ûµç»ú·½Ïò²»¶Ô£¬ÒªÃ´¸Ä½ÓÏߣ¬ÒªÃ´¸ÄÕâ¸ö·½Ïò²ÎÊý ; X²½½øµç»ú·½Ïò£¬I1»òI-1 M8002 I-1 ; ================================== ; ; ; Y²½½øµç»ú·½Ïò M8003 I-1 ; ================================== ; ; ; Z²½½øµç»ú·½Ïò M8004 I1 ; ================================== ; ; ; E²½½øµç»ú·½Ïò M8005 I1 ; ================================== ; XYZÖá¼·³öÍ·/ƽ̨Òƶ¯ÅäÖÃ,½ö½ö»áÓ°ÏìÊÖ¶¯½çÃæ°´Å¥µÄʵ¼ÊÔ˶¯·½Ïò ; 0: XÖá·½Ïò ¼·³öÍ·Ô˶¯ 1: XÖá·½Ïò ƽ̨Ô˶¯ ; Ä¿Ç°ÊÐÃæÉϵĻúÆ÷£¬´ó²¿·Ö¶¼ÊÇXÖá¼·³öÍ·Ô˶¯ M8005 X0 ; ================================== ; 0:YÖá·½Ïò ¼·³öÍ·Ô˶¯ ; 1:YÖá·½Ïò ƽ̨Ô˶¯ ; Ä¿Ç°I3µÄ½á¹¹YÖáÊÇƽ̨Ô˶¯£¬delta,ultimakerºÍmakerbotµÄYÖáÊǼ·³öÍ·Ô˶¯ M8005 Y0 ; 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John Shummy on Friday, 27 April 2018 20:52

Thanks. some of the values I have differ from your file, so my file must be the standard board settings and not the x5sa settings

Thanks. some of the values I have differ from your file, so my file must be the standard board settings and not the x5sa settings
Scott Worthington on Friday, 27 April 2018 21:03

Only if you flashed the chitu firmware and then you would have lost z offset on screen adjustment.

Only if you flashed the chitu firmware and then you would have lost z offset on screen adjustment.
Lance Harlan on Thursday, 03 May 2018 15:01

Are you running into issues using the RS232 to USB on this board? I am having a lot of issues and I can't tell if it's because of the driver or if my board is flaky.

Are you running into issues using the RS232 to USB on this board? I am having a lot of issues and I can't tell if it's because of the driver or if my board is flaky.
Scott Worthington on Thursday, 03 May 2018 15:14

What are you trying to do? I'm betting it's a software issue

What are you trying to do? I'm betting it's a software issue
Lance Harlan on Thursday, 03 May 2018 15:18

Just trying to connect the printer to S3D. I'm using that cable you had recommended and downloaded about 3 different drivers to try and make it work. It more than likely is a driver issue. Did your computer recognize the cable and printer right away or did you have to download a driver? If you did, where did you download yours from?

Just trying to connect the printer to S3D. I'm using that cable you had recommended and downloaded about 3 different drivers to try and make it work. It more than likely is a driver issue. Did your computer recognize the cable and printer right away or did you have to download a driver? If you did, where did you download yours from?
Scott Worthington on Thursday, 03 May 2018 15:44

Well this control board was designed around chitu software including their slicer I'm not sure s3d will connect to it I never have connected my computer to my printers other than to flash firmware and on this one that's done through sd card.

Well this control board was designed around chitu software including their slicer I'm not sure s3d will connect to it I never have connected my computer to my printers other than to flash firmware and on this one that's done through sd card.
Lance Harlan on Friday, 04 May 2018 11:52

Do you know which Chitu board this is?

Do you know which Chitu board this is?
Scott Worthington on Friday, 04 May 2018 13:27

F mini

F mini
Guest - Benny on Monday, 15 October 2018 21:19

Hello Scott,
Thanks for your post it's helping a lot.
I have a tronxy x5sa with FW V1.4.1 RC4 m4 with Colorful v0.3
I have printed a calibration cube but I don't have the right dimension for X/Y/Z, I would like to change the mm value of each step but before to do that , I would like ti print actual setting.
Do you know the GCode commande I can use to print/save the actual settings?
Thanks a lot


Hello Scott, Thanks for your post it's helping a lot. I have a tronxy x5sa with FW V1.4.1 RC4 m4 with Colorful v0.3 I have printed a calibration cube but I don't have the right dimension for X/Y/Z, I would like to change the mm value of each step but before to do that , I would like ti print actual setting. Do you know the GCode commande I can use to print/save the actual settings? Thanks a lot Regards
Scott Worthington on Monday, 15 October 2018 23:17

Thank you. All of the factory settings are listed in a comment above not really in easy to read
form but you can match gcode for gcode up with the list in the article.

Thank you. All of the factory settings are listed in a comment above not really in easy to read form but you can match gcode for gcode up with the list in the article.
Guest - Daniel on Thursday, 08 November 2018 07:53

Hi Scott, how is the extruder calibration value (M8011 S0.010799) calculated? I like to do estep calibration, how should I go about this?

Hi Scott, how is the extruder calibration value (M8011 S0.010799) calculated? I like to do estep calibration, how should I go about this?
Scott Worthington on Friday, 09 November 2018 12:39

example, 1.8 degree stepper motor, pulley with 20 teeth, tooth pitch is 2.032mm, 1/16 microstepping are (20*2.032)/((360/1.8)*16)

example, 1.8 degree stepper motor, pulley with 20 teeth, tooth pitch is 2.032mm, 1/16 microstepping are (20*2.032)/((360/1.8)*16)
Guest - Bill Berg on Wednesday, 14 November 2018 22:18

This is GOOD stuff. I'm new to 3D and just bought my first one (x5sa). Waiting on delivery.
Is there a way to dump/see what is loaded in the control board as received?


This is GOOD stuff. I'm new to 3D and just bought my first one (x5sa). Waiting on delivery. Is there a way to dump/see what is loaded in the control board as received? Regards, -Bill
Scott Worthington on Wednesday, 14 November 2018 22:27

what you see above is factory unless noted... but yes you can use the chitu client to pull the settings but like I mentioned all the factory settings are above.

what you see above is factory unless noted... but yes you can use the chitu client to pull the settings but like I mentioned all the factory settings are above.
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